As they say, you never stop learning! And rightly so a few of the Mobiddiction team members had to fit in attending various events and conferences into our schedules. LinkedIn Social Selling Leaders club in Australia, Twitter as part of their HelloWorld tour had their Sydney tour event at the Twitter HQ, Amazon had their AWS Summit, there’s CeBIT out at Olympic Park and more…seems Tis’ the season of events!
We will pen a bit more about each of these and our thoughts but this one is about Twitter’s HelloWorld Tour 2016.
Twitter’s HelloWorld 2016 event brought together a select few clients from different industries and the developer community mainly in the tech, digital and mobility space from the likes of media, marketing, creative, publishing, including representation from the likes of Fairfax, Channel 7, ABC and Telstra. But primarily it was a technical meet up and it’s never complete without us fellow geeks and nerds! I saw it as a businesses meets digital, meets tech and mobility event and that’s why I loved it.
We heard from the likes of some senior honcho’s at Twitter, Channel 7 and ABC TV and we came across very passionate people like Jim who travelled from the Bay Area San Fran who spoke to us about Gnip which is Twitter’s enterprise API platform, delivering a wide range of APIs to build the power of Twitter data into a business including components such Power Track and Decahose and more so there was talk about how much Jim loves Sydney’s sunshine!
Twitter has been introducing tools that help the developer and technical industry in different areas of such as managing deployments, user login and measurement of engagement with Apps and other utility and efficiency based work flows for binary distributions, version control, crash reporting and monitoring.
Tools to improve your UX
It was good to see that we’re already using some of these tools from quite some time now such as Fabric integrated with Crashlytics which is one of our developers favourite tools which they use to “squash ‘em before they get out” quite an integral part of our testing Q&A process at Mobiddiction.
With the complexity involved in building Apps and mobility solutions it’s just not humanely possible to make a firm judgement with manual testing or running the apps on your hardware. Adding to the complexity are the myriad of devices, OS and user scenarios. Crashlytics helps identify if there’s any issues at code level with meta data reported at any stage within your development or post deployment and it’s a great way to embed this as part of your process as it helps monitor App performance across versions, devices and different operating systems.
Sorry, can’t replicate that?
Whether Apps are being tested or live, it makes it particularly hard to identify exactly where the issue might or has come from. Many times bugs or issues are reported by end users or even clients can’t be replicated which makes it hard to fix the issue, as the root cause needs to be found first. Crashlytics has certainly helped us identify and fix the issues. Also, helps in identifying the stability of certain versions over others. Give it a try if you don’t use it already.
The night also included presentations from Channel 7 – giving us a snapshot about their Broadcast and Digital eco system for the upcoming Rio Olympics. How ABC’s Q&A program gets user questions via user Tweets with their fastest tweet to broadcast can sometimes happen within “5 seconds, a challenge as there’s a few steps such as posted, received, filtered, moderated to being displayed in a live Q&A environment. Users do expect some level of instant gratification and instant engagement these days with social interactions. Twitter also showcased building a live app in X-code pulling in a selected #hashtags and displaying them within an App along with featuring other products like FastLane, Digits, Fabric integrated Mission Control, MoPub and others. If you are interested to learn more, recommend to visit:
Thanks to the team at Twitter to put a great night full of info and interactivity! We certainly left the night after taking a lot in, softened with by the much needed vino’s and snags!