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In an exclusive interview with Kalkine TV Mobiddiction Director, Mike Vasavada, shared about the “next normal” for Australian industries and workforces and the most significant advancements he’s seen in the business and tech industries over the past year.


Speaking with business reporter, Rachael Jones, Mike reflected on some of the most significant advancements he’s seen in the business and tech industries over the past year. The advancement and eruption with regards to digital adoption has definitely grown, especially in the Australian market. With regards to Mobiddiction’s unique place in the market, Mike reiterated our philosophy of innovation and constant improvement of our products and services.

Kalkine TV is a one-stop solution to all the market-related nuances. The streaming platform offers in-depth and latest information on share market, commodities, crypto charter and economic developments. Kalkine TV leverages the expertise of in-house sector specialists, fundamental analysts and technical experts to touch base on hot trends driving the market charter and volatility.

You can watch the entire interview below.

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