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Mobiddiction creates Patient Virtual Reality (VR) to enrich lives on patients in Palliative Care

Mobiddiction virtual reality patient VR Experience

In consultation and assistance of a few experts, community organisations, doctors and health experts Mobiddiction have created a virtual reality application currently in trial at the Palliative Ward at the Nepean Hospital. Mobiddiction partnered with Our Community Cares (OCC), a local Penrith, community funded charity that assists the local community providing comfort goods to those who need it who sponsored Oculus Meta Quest 2 headsets for use at the palliative care ward.

Through a series of workshops, ideation sessions and careful planning the VirtReal MetaQuest VR application that we developed has features with the end user patient in mind. The suite of features, content which is managed from our platform Mobiconnect™ and the overall nature of the experience is designed to give that patient a sense of being in a virtual environment in a hope that this experience will provide a sense of positive distraction for the patients who struggle with a variety of challenges such as pain, mental health, isolation, depression and more so to give them those little moments of joy back in their lives.


Palliative Care VR – In trial at Nepean Hospital

The Virtual Reality patient experience is one of it’s kind for Nepean Hospital and it has a specific design and implementation for use in Palliative Care wards, we worked on this for months in partnership with community and professional organisations

Mike Vasavada, Director – Mobiddiction



Palliative Care Patient VR - Nepean by Mobiddiction & OCC


We are grateful for all those who have supported, provided advise and guidance to us along the way to make this come to life. This is only a start of what we believe is going to be expanded into many different areas of digital patient experience such as mental health, post-operative care VR, chemotherapy and waiting areas VR, aged care service provider VR, special needs care providers who can leverage VR for many such patient experiences. We are having discussions with several organisations, care providers to extend the scope of the application and leverage VR as an emerging and now much accessible technology with advancements in the hardware and softwares available.

Our platform is open to have discussions with organisations who are interested to learn and trial this technology. You can get in touch with us here.

AS FEATURED: Few media related publication links are below:

NSW Health article

SBS Radio & Community Online

VirtReal Info


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