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“To win an AC&E Award, you need to have not only exceptional creativity in the solution to your problem but also demonstrate your approach was truly effective. To put it simply, brilliant creativity has to cause exceptional results.”

Their words not ours but we’ll take it. What a great honour it is to receive this accolade for the second year in a row. Having won in 2015 and against world class competition in 2016, we did not expect to win again. Needless to say the announcement left us smiling the night away like Cheshire cats!

This award means a lot to Mobiddiction because it’s about effectiveness as much as it is creativity. To be recognised by the most respected practitioners of advertising, marketing and media in Australia is extremely gratifying. It affirms our belief in what we do – creating experiences that move businesses forward.

Off course this award was most definitely a team effort and without the great relationship we have with the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, it could not have been achieved.

On Thursday 27th October our heads swelled slightly. On the 28th they slightly ached but recognising you’re only as good as your last job we got back to it, creating experiences that move.

Wild About Whales has and continues to be a tremendously successful application. We thank the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service team and look forward to future collaborations.

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