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Game and feral animals such as foxes and rabbits, wild deer, feral goats and pigs can have impacts on agricultural production, the environment and communities. Hunting is recognised as one of a number of tools used in the management of game and feral animals and also as a legitimate recreational pursuit.

The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Game Licensing Unit, along with NSW Police, promotes and regulates the safe and legal practice of recreational hunting in NSW.

However, according to the NSW DPI’s Game Licensing Unit Director, Dr Andrew Moriarty, illegal hunter’s entering private land without permission from the landholder is a significant issue. This challenge prompted the NSW DPI Game Licensing Unit to partner with Mobiddiction to develop a digital solution to assist hunters and landholders manage permissions to hunt on private land using a simply interface.

The Brief

The NSW DPI Game Licensing Unit asked Mobiddiction to develop a streamlined user experience for hunters and landholders, which could work on both Apple and Android devices. The solution also needed to be compatible with a range of touch points such as email, SMS and mobile. Using Mobiconnect, our scalable, Enterprise Grade Platform as a Service (PAAS) as the under-pinning technology, made this possible. We also provide ongoing consulting, support, reporting and maintenance for the Get Permission mobile application.

Mobiddiction developed the DPI-NSW Get Permission digital solution and Dr Andrew Moriarty launched the app in time for the Easter long weekend in 2018.

Created in partnership with the NSW Police Force, the Get Permission mobile application forms part of the NSW DPI Game Licensing Unit’s Shut the gate on illegal hunting program.

The Get Permission mobile application enables hunters to easily request permission to hunt from landholders and maintain a record of permission requests and approvals, which is easily accessible if requested by authorities.

Landholders are able to use the Get Permission mobile application to approve or decline permission to hunt requests using their phone, maintain a record of permissions and approvals, and also easily revoke approved permissions in a timely manner.

The Get Permission mobile application launched in March 2018, with over 2,600 downloads in the first 2 weeks and the number of users continuing to steadily increase.

The app is available to download for free from AppStore or GooglePlay by searching ‘Get Permission’.

The NSW DPI Game Licensing Unit’s Get Permission mobile application is streamlining legal compliance for recreational hunting on private land in NSW, through a single, integrated, digital user interface.

Mobiddiction is an award-winning team of Technologists, UX and UI designers, developers, strategists and project managers. We collaborate with you to design, develop and build digital solutions specific to your needs. But it’s our understanding of how technology can be used to streamline customer experiences that truly sets us apart from the rest.

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