NSW Department of Primary Industries
The Brief
The Ideal Fishing Companion
The NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) approached Mobiddiction to build a digital utility to serve as a companion to recreational fishers.
Three important things
Digital Ecosytem
Mobile Resources
”We wanted to provide users with essential information to enhance the recreational fishing experience in NSW.
The FishSmart app
The FishSmart app uses geographic services to provide real-time map information about Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), artificial reefs, recreational fishing havens and Marine Park zones to recreational fishers in NSW. Fishers can view recreational fishing areas, rules and limits to help them comply with fishing regulations. Users can also order and pay for licenses through the app, as well as learn about fish species, bag and size limits, closed seasons and fishing gear rules.
The app also enables DPI to communicate directly with users by sending news updates about recreational fishing using social media.
It’s never been easier to reach users in remote, marine environments and make sure they are aware of all the latest developments that affect their favourite pastime.
Downloadable Guides
View bag and size limits and fishing gear rules. You’ll also find downloadable guides including; spearfishing, fishing safely, trout fishing, regional fishing information and more.

Find the nearest fish
To show your nearest Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs), artificial reefs, Recreational Fishing Areas and location of Marine Park zones.
Keep in touch
View Facebook newsfeed and pay for a recreational fishing licence fee using the app. You’ll also find a DPI contact for illegal fishing, fish kills, pest species etc as well as local Fisheries Offices.

Offline functionality
Users can access species information and maps offline, in remote areas beyond network coverage. Species information and maps are downloaded in areas of internet access. In areas of no internet coverage, the user can accesses species info and maps available within FishSmart.
New Updates!
You can choose for the catch log to be your own private catch log or share your catch log with NSW-DPI and opt to have your catch log photo selected for the public catch log gallery.
You can also select to receive push notifications related to NSW-DPI Fisheries, which will allow you to receive breaking news and the most up-to-date fisheries info straight to your phone.

Try it for yourself!
The FishSmart app provides you with the essential information you need to fish recreationally in NSW. Powered by Mobiconnect.