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The SalesForce World Tour was recently held at the Convention Centre in Darling Harbour, Sydney. Kicked off by awesome numbers from our very own, Jessica Mauboy and a keynote from Mark Hawkins, the CEO of SalesForce.


It was interesting to hear from a company that is helping so many businesses with their digital transformation efforts.  The top 5 transformation themes for enterprise are:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Speed
  3. Productivity
  4. Mobility
  5. Connectivity

While we naturally agree with connectivity and mobility, it was gratifying to see Intelligence at the top of the list.

For their part, SalesForce has created Einstein” – an AI data scientist tool within SalesForce.

“Einstein is like having your own data scientist to guide you through your day. It learns from all your data, and delivers predictions and recommendations based on your unique business processes. In some cases, it even automates tasks for you, freeing up time for you to connect with your customers”

This is great news because solutions like this take context into account for the user. For some time now we’ve been exploring the opportunities to understand the behavioural data that mobile apps provide to identify opportunities to improve customer experience.
Adding intelligence to the customer experience requires having the capability to distill insights from the data stream. We’ve been playing with R Analytics to do exactly that. The chart below shows foot-fall flows based on triggering beacons in an experimental space.

Visualising foot traffic flows between beacons

Visualising foot traffic flows between beacons


The width of the flows indicates how many times mobile devices engaged from one beacon to another, and the pink dotted lines indicate backflows. Having visualised this data, now it is possible for us to explore how to improve the experience through the use of prompts and nudges.

While we don’t have Einstein, we have been working on a few prototypes with IBM Watson. In particular using the Voice and Conversation APIs to create moving experiences.

Lastly, here is a robot we met at the event.




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Mike Vasavada Director
Mike Vasavada, hailing originally from Bangalore, India, embarked on his journey to Australia in 1999. Reminiscing about the days when he traversed the streets of Sydney in pursuit of his first job while concurrently pursuing his studies at university part-time, Mike reflects on the beginning of his professional odyssey. His initial foray into the Australian job market landed him a position at a contact centre in Chatswood, Sydney, back in 2000.
Mike Vasavada

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