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The last twelve months has seen the world settle into the new normal of less in-person interaction. It’s also seen technology, such as augmented reality (AR), grow at an incredible pace. AR is fast becoming one of the most effective ways businesses can continue to engage with their customers and product users.


What is AR?

As we noted in our blog post AR vs. VR, the term ‘AR’ was actually coined back in 1990 and first appeared in the work of researchers for Boeing. These days it is mostly used in apps for smart-phones and tablets where there are endless possibilities for how it can be used.

According to some tech writers, “phone-based AR software has been recognizing surroundings and providing additional information about what it sees for years now, offering live translation of text or pop-up reviews of restaurants as you look at them.” Google has also added an AR-mode to their Maps app.

There are so many great examples of ways you can use AR for your business, including bringing objects to life in 2D and 3D, which users can interact with.

5 ways your business can leverage AR

1.Place 2D and 3D AR Objects in Air: When a user moves their phone around, AR can place 2D and 3D objects within a defined space. This can add another dimension to the customer experience, especially when trying to share more information at your business location.

2.AR for Way-Finding: Give your users an AR view with Location Intelligence for Way-Finding. This allows you to show users points of interest along the way, including showing things around them with respect to their current location.

3.Showcase products in AR on websites: Using AR, Customers can experience products in real time, like a 360º object before making a purchase. You can also add AR view links on your websites and let your users place these in their physical location. You can do this without needing them to download a mobile app.

4.Use AR Measure: Use AR to measure and place objects at locations.

5.Gamification & Engagement: AR can be used for gamification and engagement, as well as coupons for loyalty and rewards.

You can also watch this short video below for some more fun ideas!



A perfect example of AR technology being used well is the Sydney ThundAR activation that was developed by Mobiddiction for HomeWorld. Built using an iOS AR-kit, the native iPad app uses AR led face detection technology that recognises the shape, size, contour of faces and was used to paint various Sydney Thunder theme filters onto fans faces.

Mike and the team at Mobiddiction were great to work with on the creation of the HomeWorld ThundAR activation. The concept put fans first and created a new, exciting and sustainable way to engage with attendees before, during and after the match day experience. – Vicky TyasHead of Partnerships Cricket NSW

Our UI/UX team crafted a range of filters, using various shapes and contours, so that fans of all ages and sizes could get in on the action. They also added textures to make the final filter image look like a face-painted in real life. We also introduced a ‘Gif’ with a time limit, ensuring there was not an excessive use of bandwidth during peak time before the games.

Sydney Thunder BBL augmented reality AR by Mobiddiction

You can read more about how we delivered an AR powered fan experience at the BBL games for HomeWorld here.

Not just us

Another company leveraging AR is Perth-based startup, Litt. The aspiring Facebook-rival has an AR advertising feature that works like PokemonGo, but instead of users chasing anime creatures, they are hunting down real live deals and offers promoted by local businesses. Founder Brett Thompson explains:

“So a Litt member can be walking in their local area and get a push notification and then hit on it and it might pop up with a floating coffee or floating handbag and they hit on it and it can be inclusive deal, so 50 per cent off burger and chips, buy one get one free.”

Users are then taken to an AR promotion section where there is a timer and if they don’t make it in time they get ejected out of the auction. Talk about keeping your customer’s attention!

There are a great many ways businesses can engage with AR and by utilising these ideas, will be able to further enhance the online digital experiences for their users.

If you’re not sure where to begin, speak to our team at Mobiddiction and we can come up with some AR ideas for your clients, customers or brand activity.


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