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Building a Saas? Here are my B.S.T tips


Anyone who is looking to build a digital product or some sort of a SaaS offering and that too in Australia would know how much pain goes into it! There’s a blood(y) lot of work, sweat and technical decisions you will end up making despite of not being an expert in all areas.

There’s a lot that goes into from coming up with the ideas to actually releasing something as a 1.0 live to market!

Here’s my top 3 takes hope it helps you or if you have another approach, I would love to hear from you.

1) F-D.I.Y

The F- here is not a swear word but for “Funding” you can easily replace that with the F word and it would go well too!

A lot of start up’s or those who have this “let me do something” vision tend to search for funding and may lead you to spending way too much time. The time that you may well have spent putting together your product vision rather than waste your time having those coffee’s, waiting for that email to meet someone who can ‘possibly’ be sold on your idea and you have to spend countless hours on preparing decks and show monetary benefits.

So, if you have the confidence (the guts!) and the money to take a calculated risk just “F” Do It Yourself. The chances of getting more ROI at a later stage is a lot of higher.


NO is a magic word – use it daily.

By the time your idea sees the light of day either your enthusiasm may seem to fade, your lawyers give you a hard time or the technology becomes meaningless….you will need to jump several hoops and self-excite yourself every day to stick to your vision. Learn to say “NO” to yourself (and definitely others) when you think there is a deviation from what you set out to achieve. Stick to you vision. This is why you are here.

3) P.M.A

Nothing is possible without PMA

When I was a kid, I knew a very successful business person who used to wear a locket close to their heart with the words inscribed “PMA” for “Positive Mental Attitude” – without PMA, nothing is possible.

BTW, I am referring to our platform AOTOMOT for mobile and App developers to use and products are on the way with “push notifications” released which you can check out here.

With AOTOMOT, all development agencies, start up tech, Web and mobile app developers can now use the Aotomot platform to build push notifications into their applications. Build web and apps easily! No dev ops, No servers, No CMS needed to be built by you. We’ve taken care of it all.

Built with LOVE by my awesome Team at Mobiddiction. it’s not been an easy journey but I’m excited about the future products and new features we’ve got lined up. Hold that thought!


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Mike Vasavada Director
Mike Vasavada, hailing originally from Bangalore, India, embarked on his journey to Australia in 1999. Reminiscing about the days when he traversed the streets of Sydney in pursuit of his first job while concurrently pursuing his studies at university part-time, Mike reflects on the beginning of his professional odyssey. His initial foray into the Australian job market landed him a position at a contact centre in Chatswood, Sydney, back in 2000.
Mike Vasavada

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